It's been two years since S1X BORN CANDLE launched and we are so grateful to be able to continue to create for your home and spaces. We are appreciative of our customers' support and the partnerships we maintain within our local and candle community. Some of the exciting collaborations we took part in this year included local giveaways, virtual markets, and the pre-Emmy's gift suite in California. We have also maintained our commitment in using minimal packaging and quality ingredients to make your candle experiences enjoyable without waste concern. We look forward to reaching more candle lovers within Toronto and beyond borders.
With the continuous growth of our brand, we want to share there will be a price increase entering the new year to adjust to the raise of our premium ingredients and supply costs from local vendors and businesses. Our new prices will involve a $1.00 increase with our individual candles (seasonal candles aside), sets, and accessories not including provincial taxes. This increase will help us continue to improve your lighting experiences and product quality.
As always, we love to hear from you! Our email is a great way to get in touch for product inquiries, suggestions and feedback: info@s1xborncandle.com. We also have our FAQs page where you can learn more and find answers to our products. Since design, well-being, and home comfort are of shared importance to our customers and business, extending product tips and updates with our candle lovers based on community feedback is our passion.
Thank you for staying with us and believing in our goal in making your favourite spaces glow healthily and beautifully. We cannot wait to share our new collections with you in 2023!
With love,
Iris Liu, Creator